A well-designed space, apart from its practical advantages, has a beneficial influence on human senses and emotions.The appropriate forms, shapes, and colors affect our mood, often subconsciously.
Whether we realize it or not, the environment in which we live and work affects us. The effects can be positive or negative, depending on successful or unsuccessful design.
I am an architect and interior designer.
What differentiates me from other professionals is that I take into consideration a lot the great influence of built environment in human psychology.
Unfortunately, a lot of architects and designers don’t have the same approach.
They design homes and workplaces which may look gorgeous on photos, but are not at all human-friendly.
We must not forget that we design for people and not for glossy magazines or popular blogs!
The good news is, we can have both!
With the great help of environmental psychology and interior design psychology, we can create spaces that impact our mood and not just our senses.
We can also design commercial spaces that help us sell our services or products efficiently and successfully, by influencing the prospective customer’s psychology and behavior.
As an architect, I have the chance and mission to design and create spaces that promote people’s happiness and well-being.
To share my knowledge and educate people, I founded Design for Happiness, the 1st Greek blog about interior design psychology.
I would be glad to help you become happier and to make your dreams come true!
Mania Mavridou _architect – interior designer – color consultant
Interior design psychology is a field within environmental psychology, which concerns the environmental conditions of the interior. It is a direct study of the relationship between an environment and how that environment affects the behavior of its inhabitants, with the aim of maximizing the positive effects of this relationship. Through interior design psychology the performance and efficiency of the space and the well-being of the individual are improved. (Wikipedia definition)
Environmental psychology is an interdisciplinary field focused on the interplay between individuals and their surroundings. The field defines the term environment broadly, encompassing natural environments, social settings, built environments, learning environments, and informational environments. (Wikipedia definition)
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Mania Mavridou _ Architect & Color Consultant
L. Karayianni 4 _ 55236 Panorama
Thessaloniki _ Greece
+30 2310 345384
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